Create a Spiritual Credo: Live Inside Out

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What do you do for spiritual self-care? Do you live by a personal credo?  I sometimes struggle to figure out how I can become more effective, disciplined and accountable.  Who has the answer? What approach fits me?  There are so many “experts,” it’s a challenge to identify a system or teacher to trust & follow.

I want to feel like this every day!


After the recent elections, I resumed a more regular meditation practice.  I have been a somewhat irregular practitioner over the decades, and this pattern also carries over to other aspirations.  It’s so easy and exciting to start something new. . .  but to follow through and cultivate attitudes and behaviors that are in your highest interest can be tricky.  It’s all about maintaining momentum and priorities.

After that meditation, I reflected on the 3 spheres we all participate in: the sphere of control, of influence and of concern. I saw clearly that what is needed is refocusing on the innermost sphere: personal control.  Since I can’t effectively solve the larger issues we are facing in 2016 and beyond, I’d better put my efforts into improving aspects of my wellbeing.

What came forth as I journaled, was a personal credo.  A credo is a statement meant to guide one’s actions that issues from core beliefs.  I didn’t elect our next president.  What could I elect?


  • Get myself ready 1st – before I allow the outside world in. Breathe, pray, meditate, call in the light, set intention, download my energy blueprint, protect and zip up – before I connect socially.
  • Be responsible for my energy – to release what is not mine, to welcome in the Light and Universal Love and to process my emotions in the most whole-hearted way.
  • Act in ways aligned with my Soul’s values
  • Live in “YES” in service to the guiding principles of love, forgiveness, acceptance, peace and connection.
  • Live full of gratitude – for this beautiful planet, community of light-workers and Unseen Helpers as well as all sentient beings who interact with our dimension spiritually and energetically.
  • Consult regularly with my team of wisdom-holders who are here to support my greatest expression of Truth, Talent and Purpose.
  • Show up, regularly, for those of you who want my support with spiritual self-care rituals so you feel more attuned to Source energy.
  • Remain receptive and grounded.
  • Be a joyful conduit of higher vibrational energies that liberates and transforms others.
  • Help myself by helping others.
  • Live my best life NOW.

Since I’ve written this down, I’ve been more aware of what happens when I don’t honor these – especially when I start my day by looking at social media on my phone in bed.  I realized I need less entertainment and more actualization of my dreams and vision.  Consequently, I am more motivated to start my day with sacred self-care time.

As 2017 approaches, I would encourage you to spend some time creating your own credo you can both honor and rely upon for support – from the inside out.  It’s as important as brushing teeth and getting dressed before going out.  It’s a spiritual seatbelt that will serve you well as your day unfolds. If you invest 20-45 mins in your spiritual ritual first thing in the day, you will have a notably different response to whatever comes along.  Fill up so you feel replenished.  If you would like specific help with how to create a ritual that works for you, I’d be delighted to assist you.


About the Author:

Lisa Love, MSN takes delight in helping smart professionals overcome anxiety via an eclectic approach to mind-body healing. Not just a nurse, therapist and coach, she is a bit of a mystic, healer, creative, intuitive, and innovator. She walks her talk and brings cutting-edge practices to her clients that weave together the fields of neuroscience, quantum physics and spirituality, in service of humanity's conscious evolution.
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