Health and Wellness Coaching

If you elect to do health or wellness coaching, our focus is on increasing wellness rather than diagnosing or treating imbalances. Research has shown that wellbeing will fade, unless directly addressed and supported, as we age.

We will work together to outline a personalized plan to meet your particular wellness outcomes. We will start with a comprehensive whole-life assessment and then narrow the focus to the areas that most matter and you feel ready to address. I help hold you accountable to yourself in following through on achieving lasting change, and remind you of your “why,” to keep your motivation high.

We work in 3-month segments, with monthly pre-payment for the package. After the 3 months, we will reassess and see if there is more you would like to address, or whether you have achieved your aspirations to your satisfaction, and celebrate that.

After reading this brief intro, if you still have questions about the difference between personal life coaching and therapy, you can read more here. We can address any further questions during our meet and greet session.

I look forward to meeting you and hearing what you are interested in achieving.

Click here to request your free 30 min. consultation, in person, by phone, or confidential video format. I look forward to meeting you.

Click here for assessment forms and Health and Wellness Coaching agreements, prior to your first appointment.