I am 15 and currently a 3.8 handicap. Before meeting with Lisa it was hard for me to get out of my own way when trying to score well. In casual golf, when score was not my focus, I would shoot great. On the contrary, during tournaments, it was impossible for me to score well since I was striving and overly focused on the outcomes. Through my meetings with Lisa I was able to become more mindful and score better under pressure. This I achieved through meditation, breathing exercises and shifting my focus. These strategies helped my mind become more connected with my body and brought more self-awareness. On top of everything else, it was very easy to have online sessions with Lisa, and she was very timely in responding to any of my questions.
Connor Albert

“I have gone through my share of counseling but never felt I got to the root of issues to fully address them. My sessions with Lisa were empowering as she helped me create my own ‘tools’ to dig down deep and do the work I needed to. I felt safe, supported and encouraged while working with Lisa and now feel stronger in my self, not to mention I have a full ‘tool box’ of techniques, meditations and practices to utilize when facing future road blocks. It is a relief to know I can call upon her for assistance with counseling and coaching sessions when the need arises.”

…I was surprised how easy it was to feel connected and supported at a distance, with coaching calls and video sessions. Under Lisa’s guidance, I was able to create and maintain a meaningful, personalized self-care practice, which I rely upon daily.
Thanks to our work, I have become more self-compassionate and confident in my ability to set boundaries and move through challenges. Relying on myself, my supports and my skills (instead of alcohol) has been a particularly rewarding transformation.
Susan M. (Cont)
Mother of adopted teen

Lisa has been such a blessing these past two years. Her calm presence, diverse knowledge base, and ability to listen has helped me immensely.
She seems to know what clarifying questions to ask and her suggestions and feedback are relevant and encouraging. Her approach is very gentle and creates safety so I could be more open.
When I approached her for coaching, I was processing deep grief and was constantly overwhelmed and neglected myself, which I didn’t even realize at the time.
Susan M.
Mother of adopted teen

Lisa has been an expert guide and facilitator for my need to tap into my inner knowing when I’ve encountered life’s challenges. Not only has she sensed when to ask powerful questions, but also she has known exactly what to ask to help gain clarity and when to share her wisdom, wise counsel and helpful techniques. Lisa weaves together a lifetime of cutting edge exploration and training into her coaching along with her heart-centered presence. Lisa is a rare mix of magic as a coach, healer, teacher, passionate golfer, mindfulness expert and visionary adventurer.
Karen Miraldi
Transformational Coach and Artist / Heartfully Living

“I sought out Lisa for her knowledge of sport psychology because I needed help with the mental aspects of clay sports shooting. In a short amount of time she helped me focus so that I could feel more confident and successful in my sport. I’ve found these ideas helpful in other aspects of my life. From the very beginning, she understood my needs and guided me in the right direction. Working with her has been time and effort well spent.”
Sporting Clays Shooting / Brunswick, Maine

“Thank you for the life-changing gift of this class. I CAN do these things! I love how portable the practices are – they can be done any time, anywhere, with any amount of time and very little preparation. It doesn’t take any extra time to practice, just awareness. It’s perfect for me!”
Mindfulness Group Participant / Brunswick, Maine

Having coaching sessions with Lisa offered much more than anticipated. As easygoing and fun as she is, she is incredibly in-tune to me. I received an abundance of verbal and written feedback and recommendations on how to improve my approach and skills in mindfulness. As I practice and integrate her teachings, my joy and success is increasing! Thank you, Lisa.
Donna Maria Bordeaux
Physical Therapist, Yoga Instructor / To Live For

When I came to counseling with Lisa, I wasn’t sure what specifically I wanted to work on. Over time we began to focus on relationships and intimacy. I had been single for several years and felt very stuck in that area of my life. Using a variety of intuitive and restorative techniques she helped me to uncover hidden beliefs about love and relationship that were weighing me down. She helped to soothe the parts of me that were scared, and to motivate and excite the parts that were eager to find connection. I began dating someone soon after I stopped working with Lisa and two years later, we were married. I feel confident that my work with Lisa helped to lay the groundwork for the happy marriage I enjoy today.
Falmouth, Maine

“Lisa’s expertise on the subject of mindfulness is second to none. During our time together, I was extremely impressed with the passion she exhibited. I feel I share in that same enthusiasm towards golf, therefore it was easy for me to relate with her on her teachings. The on-course training especially helped me with the learning process. It was immediately noticeable how breath, visualization and pre-shot routine impacted not only the result of my shots, but also the confidence and sense of calm I felt throughout the lesson. Not long after our first meeting I tied the course record at Bath Golf Club. I felt like I was in the ‘zone’. I expect her guidance played a part.”
Henry Fall
+0.5 Hcp Golfer

My wife’s death after 48 years of marriage
threw me for a loop–painful and slow grieving. I was fortunate to locate
Lisa. She gives me far more than comfort during our sessions–she provides
concrete tools to deal with issues as they come up during the week. I am
armed with specific techniques to deal with the unexpected challenges as
they arrive. As a result I move forward every day, not just during our
sessions. Highly recommended for any kind of challenge.
Jonathon Dean
retired lawyer

I participated in a 6-week Mindfulness training group with Lisa, and learned some good stress reduction tricks. I now take time to mindfully plan each day, which in itself is stress reducing, but I also learned how mindful breathing helps clear my mind and focus on what needs to be done. She gave me tools for practicing at home and now I live in a more stress-free environment. Lisa’s calming, mellow voice and mindfulness lessons are really worth the time spent. Invest in yourself!
Louise Grant
Finance Analyst / LL Bean

“I was feeling lost and insufficient in my work environment, and I was conflicted about whether or not I should leave my position and look for something else. Lisa helped me realize that it was not my fault and supported me finding a more healthy and balanced work situation. The job I have now suits me a lot better and I’m very glad that I made a move. Thank you Lisa!”
Alfons Wald
Speyer, Germany

“I have been working with Lisa directly since 2000. If I had to pick Lisa’s biggest strength, I would say it was her ability to bring patients to their highest level of functioning using many different modes of treatment in a highly skilled way. She knows when to be confrontational, and when to be supportive. . . she is willing to go the extra mile to be an advocate for her patients. . . She has wonderful energy and radiates calmness and self-awareness. Her care is compassionate and always respectful. She has a wonderful sense of humor and patience. Coaching indeed is a natural outgrowth of Lisa’s ability to foster positive change for her clients.”
Dr. Rosalind Gold, MD
Attending Psychiatrist / Maine Medical Center

“Caring, soul–full, wise, loving, humble, gentle, strong. All of these qualities cannot fully describe the woman and healer I have found in Lisa. Coach is too limited of a word. Some experiences transcend words. Her warmth, compassion and generosity provide a “holding” for me through the darkest hours of my life. She has been a God-send – spirit moves through this woman! She has provided a major anchor for me during this extremely painful process. She has assisted me as I use these challenging circumstances to transform myself. I have not fully completed my healing journey, but I am well on my way. My gratitude for Lisa is unbounded.
Carole Orem-Hough, PhD
South Portland, Maine

Lisa, your four-week class was just what I needed! You helped me build a strong foundation to develop a practice that is most beneficial to me. I am amazed at the positive effect my meditation practice has had in so many aspects of my life. These kinds of results in such a short period of time are amazing to me! They also act as great motivation and inspiration to continue practicing. The month I spent in your class was definitely a life-changer! Thank you.” (Feb. 2014)

New Gloucester, Maine